Who Qualifies

Any mother that is not pregnant or actively breastfeeding that has experienced breast deformities through the noble act of breastfeeding. Any female that has had a lifetime breast abnormality or developed a breast abnormality for any reason. Any female that has had a breast misalignment from a tragic event such a spousal abuse or a car accident.

Body Artista can not firm up any of the breast itself, it will only reposition the female breast. It can help a dropped breast by moving the whole breast upward but can not reshape the breast if they are elongated or stretched down from the base of the Breast to the nipple.

Many females live with breast conditions that make them feel awkward and even embarrassed, in many cases this condition is typically repaired via surgery. In many cases, surgery can help but it's more of a bandaid. Body Artista is not a band-aid rather a true correction.

© 2021 Body Artista