How Does it Work?

It's very similar to a massage setting. A massage table is the only tool I use other than my hands. Because I am a Male I require that another female be present at all times. You may bring a friend or I can have a another female present.

I will only be working on female breasts at this time and no other body parts. Of course, Body Artista works on many parts of the body, but for now, I will be creating a breast portfolio. I am unable to work on any breasts that have or have had implants or any other corrective surgery.

With my hands I will move connective tissue and muscle tissue in a fashion similar to a massage but with greater accuracy and pressure. After the first visit, you will see what many call unbelievable. Some scenarios will call for 2 or 3 treatments but you will very much understand that it has worked after the first visit.

After about 45 minutes you will be finished and be able to look in a mirror and see the breasts you once had or wanted to have. The results are very noticeable, dramatic, and after 45 minutes totally visible.

It can be painful and your threshold is my first priority. We will work together to find a level of comfort that you can obtain. The more pressure applied the greater the results so it's really up to you at your own pace and threshold of which I will greatly respect. I will not be applying pressure to the actual breast, rather the muscle and connective tissue around the breast

© 2021 Body Artista